My Lords! Volume 2 - Archive sounds of classic diesels on audio CD

My Lords!
Volume 2

audio CD

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My Lords! 2 CD cover

Archive sounds of Deltics and other classic diesels in BR service, recorded by Ian Strange and Gary Thornton.

Featuring classes 08, 20, 27, 31, 37, 40, 45, 47, 50, 55, 56 and DMU (plus an 87 electric).

Mono recordings digitally enhanced with an added pseudo-stereo effect.

Recorded during 1978 to 1984.

Running time 80 minutes

Highlights include:
*** Memories from Healey Mills freight yard.
*** Spirited Deltic departures.
*** Whistlers in action (on-train and lineside).
*** Peaks galore at Leicester.


Price includes worldwide postage.

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My Lords! Volume 2 playlist PDF

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Sample sound (mp3) from track number 8:

31418 departs Peterborough

Here is the full recording list:

55016 on the 1205 Kings Cross to Hull. 12th January 1980:
1* - 55016 has both engines started up at Kings Cross. (GT)
2* - 55016 pulls away from a signal stop, during the first leg of its journey between Kings Cross and Huntingdon. (GT)
3 - After we alight at Peterborough, 55016 continues on its way. (GT)

Peterborough 12th January 1980:
4 - 55003 departs on the 0935 Hull to Kings Cross, and then 31402 departs for Norwich. (GT)
5 - 55005 pulls away on the 1215 York to Kings Cross, as 56060 eases passed on a fly-ash working (55005 can be heard roaring in the distance). (GT)

Healey Mills, 28th March 1983:
6 - 08659 shunts some hoppers. 47308 passes light as the 08 skids to a stop, and then propels the wagons, getting some wheel-slip. 37283 approaches light-engine and stops. A Metro-Cam DMU passes by eastbound. A truck drives passed in the background and the 37 then continues on its way. 25057 passes by light, at 1543hrs.
7 - At 1605, 47308 passes on ballast wagons, accelerating very rapidly.

8 - 31411 departs platform 3, Peterborough, heading south at 1802hrs. 31st August 1981.
9 - At York, 37003 stands on the centre road with a freightliner. The starter-bell rings and 37080 departs on an evening passenger working from Scarborough, towards Chesterfield. 19th June 1983.
10* - 37092 departs Cambridge at 0650hrs on a Kings Cross bound service. 20th April 1983.
11* - 55017 departs Newark heading south. January 1980. (GT)
12* - 55014 departs Newark southbound. January 1980. (GT)

St. Neots. 10th June 1978:
13 - As a class 47 stands, a class 31 passes through non-stop. (GT)
14 - 55014 races through on the 0900 Edinburgh-Kings Cross. (GT)
15 - 40081 passes at speed on the 1119hrs Newcastle-Kings Cross. (GT)
16 - Horns blaring, another class 40 (possibly 40060, Scarborough-Kings Cross?) charges through non-stop. (GT)

Carnoustie, 9th August 1978:
17 - A class 47 passes through. (GT)
18 - An unidentified DMU departs. (GT)

Deltics on the ECML:
19 - 55009 arrives at Peterborough on the 1550 York to Kings Cross, as an HST passes. 3rd August 1980. (GT)
20 - 55009 departs Peterborough on the above service. (GT)
21* - 55006 departs Grantham southbound. 8th August 1979. (GT)
22 - 55006 departs Peterborough on the above service, horns sounding and leading engine revving hard. (GT)

23* - 40184 departs Carnoustie. 16th August 1979. (GT)
24* - 40184 departs Golf St. Halt. 16th August 1979. (GT)
25* - 40184 departs Monifieth. 16th August 1979. (GT)
26 - A class 40 accelerates through Carnoustie. 28th August 1978. (GT)
27* - 27011 departs Dundee. 16th August 1979. (GT)
28* - 27011 departs Invergowrie. 16th August 1979. (GT)
29* - 40065 departs Dundee and works up a great rhythm once it opens up. 20th August 1979. (GT)

30 - 20193/073 depart platform 4 for Skegness at 0815. 47107 comes out of an engine siding and runs into another siding. 17th August 1983.
31 - At 2014hrs, 45110 arrives from the north light-engine on the up goods line. It stops and then moves northwards, pauses and then moves into the engine sidings, and the ground signal clanks. 45050 arrives light from the south on the down goods. It stops and then comes back passed as it crosses over to the up goods, as an empty DMU departs south in the background. 45050 then passes again northwards into an engine siding. A Metro-Cam DMU (50240/59097/50235) arrives from Cambridge. 9th June 1983.
32 - 45110 makes a rapid departure at 2151hrs, on a northbound service, with 11 coaches. An HST idles in the background. 22nd July 1984.

31102 at Rotherham 23 June 1983
33 - 31102 departs Rotherham at 1727 on a service from Leeds. (See above photo). 23rd June 1983.
34 - Leicester: At 2141hrs, 47538 makes an impressive racket as it accelerates its freight train northwards along the curving goods line. 9th June 1983.
35 - a) Doncaster at 0313hrs. 40034 has been uncoupled from a parcels train (platform 4) and runs off light to the north of the station. 25269 departs southbound, light, in the background.
b) 40034 hauls a single parcels van northwards out of the station.
c) 40034 departs platform 4 with its parcels train at 0326hrs (recorded from a mail/passenger working hauled by 47269, which begins to pulls away during the recording). 23rd June 1983.
36* - 20070/077 depart Derby for Skegness. 13th August 1980. (GT)

37* - Somewhere between Mossend and Perth, 47472 is halted briefly by a signal. 6th April 1978. (GT)
38 - 87003 runs onto some coaching stock at Mossend Yard, while a small Sulzer engined loco is heard in the background. 6th April 1978. (GT)

39 - 20134/190 run passed light at Northampton. 5th January 1979. (GT)
40* - 5th March 1978, "Deltic Ranger" re-run tour (1Z15): Shortly after departure from Paignton, 55003 accelerates along the jointed rails, then brakes and coasts through Torquay. Then accelerates briefly and brakes approaching Torre.
41 - During the Crewe Campaigner railtour, 50001 uncouples from the tour stock at London Paddington. 11th February 1979. (GT)
42 - 50035 departs Coventry, southbound. 17th July 1979. (GT)
43* - 55012 on the 1234 Hull to Kings Cross, eases out of Doncaster (the wheels slipping briefly), and then opens up. 11th August 1980. (GT)
44* - 55017 pulls out of Edinburgh Waverley and passes through Calton Tunnel, on the 0910 Dundee to Kings Cross. 15th August 1981.
45 - A railtour had recently arrived at York, hence the exchange of shouts and horn blasts from 55018, making a lively departure on a Kings Cross bound service train. Superb idling sound before it departs, too! 28th April 1979. (GT)

* denotes on-train recording.
(GT) denotes recording copyright of Gary Thornton.
All other recordings are copyright of Ian Strange.

Cover photo: 55016 at Peterborough 8th January 1981 (by Gary Thornton).


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